Humanity Literary Essay Storytelling

What Fresh Hell Is This?!

1 Frederic Remington was 28 when he painted A Dash For The Timber in 1889.  He kept intricate sketchbooks of his observations of the U.S. Cavalry in the southwest frontier as it conducted surveillance and reconnaissance operations.  He honed his technique with color and motion to vary contrast with the quality of light and shadow.  […]

Literary Essay

The Slippery Craft

In early 2008 I dreamt I met the writer, Richard Price.  We sat at a bar holding heavy glasses of whiskey and ice.  He looked directly into my eyes and told me about the slippery craft of writing.  I listened. *** I attended Ricks College in Rexburg, Idaho, as a freshman in the fall of […]


Big Pockets

I notice the cleaners. Doesn’t matter where. They pass by pushing utility carts. They are quiet, stoic, aware, and usually all too kind. They are focused, nonplussed. They spend their days invisible. No one wants their job. The work they do is hard, unpleasant. There is no pretense with a cleaner, just understated nobility. I […]